10 Simple Steps To Open A Business In Indiana

The 15th largest state in the United States, Indiana’s total gross state product in 2016 was $347.2 billion. One of the biggest industries that thrive in this state is manufacturing. Other important industries include life sciences, transportation, information technology and research and design.

Back in 2016, Indiana was home to seven Fortune 500 companies with a combined $142.5 billion in revenue. Also according to CEO magazine, in 2011 the state was ranked first in the Midwest and sixth in the country for best places to do business.

So if you are an entrepreneur ready to establish a business, the state of Indiana is a great place to consider. There are of course a few important steps that need to be completed before you become a proud owner. We have created a short guide that will give you a better idea. Check out the next 10 short slides for more details: