Health Food Store Franchises

Health food store franchises Most independent retailers make their living generating sales and revenue from one health food store franchises location. In order to expand to other locations it takes a lot of money, organization, key personnel and a marketing plan that can be duplicated. Few small business owners have the time or funds to undertake such an endeavor. There is another way, however, that the individual entrepreneur, struggling to make ends meet, can make a significant amount of additional profit. To make big bucks, think like a franchise corporation with goals of expanding nationwide and around the world. Luckily, there is a way for small business owners to put this plan into practice. In this case, though, instead of opening up new health food store franchises, the individual business owner can market a product through a network marketing company and create his or her own network of independent store owners who do the same. Why are franchise corporations like McDonald's and Starbucks so successful, for example? The answer is that they multiply their revenues by opening new stores--and lots of them. Put franchising principles to work for you, and take advantage of the wholesale and retail capabilities that some network marketing companies now offer to independent store owners. Network marketing is simply the process of marketing a product person-to-person rather than through a retail outlet or store. Recently, however, some of these companies have given their independent distributors the ability to buy their products at wholesale and retail them just like in traditional grocery health food store franchises and shops. The savvy retail owner can now take that same product, and through the power of networking with other independent retailers, can create a virtual marketing empire that reaches around the world. Check out network marketing companies and the products that they sell. Some of them carry some of the best health related items that are just up the alley for independent health food stores. Start to think differently about how to make money and money will come in differently. Steve Boston is an author, television producer, boxing trainer and marketing entrepreneur. He helps people start online businesses with little or no investment-no paper, no inventory, no employees, no bosses, and best of all-potential income that can far exceed professional salaries anywhere on the planet in an industry that is unlimited in growth.