How To Start A Franchise System

How to start a franchise system It is not advisable to start a franchise system or even plan a new franchise system by committee. In fact, it may very well lead to failure. Did you know that 4 out of 5 franchise systems fail in the first few years of franchising how to start a franchise system? It's true and much of the reason is due to three major problems; 1.) Over regulation; 2.) Litigiousness of the industry and; 3.) Lack of capital. Sure, there are other reasons, such as a bad business plan, poor execution, or improper locations for the initial units. Planning a new how to start a franchise system by committee is a really bad idea. And I understand the attempt to rule by committee, but I have also spent hours sitting in committees putting into minutes what I could have done better myself in seconds. There is a time for committees and a feel good coming together of the minds, and then there is a time for action. Think of it like this: Super star entrepreneurs are not interested in arguing what their points are with others who have little knowledge on the subject, but claim some sort of title as expert. I do not buy into the millennium need to be complimented every five minutes, compliments should only been given only if deserved. Before retirement, our company beat many other companies in the market place, all of whom thought they were pretty hot stuff. Many had the top experts in the field as advisors. Now with that said I know it is part of the "feel good" team building process, but I have not the patience for it. I am really, really into winning. And to me the "means and ends" debate is often debated backwards. Because even if you do everything the Politically Correct way and keep everyone so very happy in the process, if you come to a conclusion or decision that ultimately fails, the entire exercise was a complete waste of time. Waste, because waste is inefficient. And what's the difference if you do evil in the process or you reach a conclusion which fails to solve the problem, which is evil. There is nothing wrong with winning, there is nothing wrong with being the best, I refuse to apologize or pretend otherwise. Giving credence or surrendering your experience to make committee members happy is a dead end, especially when planning a how to start a franchise system. Beware of those who want to launch a franchise system by committee; don't walk away, I advise you to run!